Java Development Trends in 2020
In this article, we present a comprehensive article on Java development trends for 2020. Did you know that since its inception in the last century, Java now runs on 10 billion devices? It has been the most popular coding language for decades, but in recent months Java has undergone significant changes. It was voted to change the name of Java from Java EE to Jakarta EE and the governance of the brand is transferred to the Eclipse Foundation. For the programmer accustomed to coding complex and robust applications for enterprises using Java, fixing the product and revitalizing the already crowded DevOps marketplace can seem like the worst thing. However, Java will not be extinct quite yet, as the goal of the transition is to bolster new changes for Java developers to improve the container and cloud-centric business world. Java development trends 1. A quick summary of Java trends to date First, let's take a look back at some of the java trends we've seen in recent years: 1.1 The ...